Est. 2014

Harper Road Osteopaths LONDON


Cranial osteopathy for babies

Osteopaths treat people of all ages. As babies skeletons are softer than an adults, osteopaths use gentler techniques than with our adult patients.

Cranial osteopathy is an extremely safe and gentle treatment approach which aims to ease stresses and strains that osteopaths believe can lead to unsettled or uncomfortable babies. Treatment aims to soothe and relax your baby and, wherever possible, we will teach you techniques to do the same!

Osteopathy is considered a  complementary therapy, therefore we work alongside doctors and midwives to ensure the best care for our patients. Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and we will tell you if you need to see your doctor or midwife.

Cranial osteopathy for babies in London Bridge

What is the difference between craniosacral therapy and cranial osteopathy?

Cranial osteopathy is practiced by osteopaths who are statutorily regulated primary healthcare professionals. To obtain an Integrated Masters of Osteopathy (MOst) and be able to use the title “osteopath” takes four years of intensive study and a commitment to ongoing study throughout your career.  

Craniosacral therapy works on the same principals but as it is not a protected title, anyone can call themselves a craniosacral therapist regardless of their training.

What can you expect during your visit to Harper Road Osteopaths?

During the session we will:

  • Discuss any concerns you may have about your baby
  • Ask questions about the pregnancy and birth
  • Conduct a standard paediatric examination to assess hip development, primitive reflexes and to check the are meeting developmental milestones
  • Explain what we might be able to help with treatment
  • Provide cranial osteopathy gentle treatment 
  • Provide relevant advice