Est. 2014

Caroline Lovett


Caroline Lovett Osteopath


Caroline Lovett Osteopath


Caroline Lovett

Caroline Lovett is one of the few Advanced Perrin Technique Practitioners in the country, as well as a highly accomplished osteopath with a broad experience in the treatment of complex musculoskeletal conditions. After completing an Integrated Masters in Osteopathy (MOst) at the University College of Osteopathy, Caroline continued her post graduate studies in the areas of visceral osteopathy with the Barral Institute, cranial osteopathy at the Sutherland College of Cranial Osteopathy and is also a licensed Advanced Perrin Practitioner for ME/CFS. She is currently undertaking further study in using Pilates for rehab after injury and pregnancy.

She has a keen interest in sports particularly running and swimming and enjoys treating athletes who are struggling with injury or just want to remain injury free. Having been an army reservist for over 20 years she also has a good understanding and appreciation of the demands placed upon military personnel; her masters dissertation was on the subject of military amputees. Whilst not at work, she has a very full home life with three children who keep her busy therefore she also has a huge appreciation of the demands, mentally and physically, that a young family can place on one’s health!

Osteopath Clinic London Bridge SE1
Caroline Lovett osteopath

Caroline Lovett osteopath

opening Times

Osteopath Caroline Lovett is at Harper Road Osteopaths on:

Wednesday 10am – 7pm

You can book with Caroline using the button below or contact us via email:



"Caroline is a very experienced osteopath who has always made me feel so much better everytime I visit her. I would highly recommend her!"
Harper Road Osteopathy Clinic
Susan G