Month: March 2020

Rethink Office Cake 12 ways to mak your workplace healthier

Rethink Office Cake

12 ways to mak your workplace healthier Something I always found hard to avoid when I had an office job…do you?Is it time to rethink the office Krispy Creme birthday habit? Take a look at this info graphic from research carried out at Chester Uni by Lou Walker.Swap cake for something healthier but don’t drop the habit of getting together to chat for a good positive work vibe.#osteopathyworks#lifebalance#healthyoffice

Make Physical Activity Part of Daily Life Make Physical Activety part of daily life at all stages of life

Make Physical Activity Part of Daily Life

One of the reasons I became an osteopath in the first place was a deep-seated belief that the pursuit of wellness is the most direct approach to battling the fight against disease and ill health. Osteopathy works on the principle that the body has everything it needs to keep itself working and well; it’s where there is a disturbance in the body’s ability to draw upon it’s own resources that ill health ensues. So keeping a healthy and active body, free from tensions and restrictions is key to staying healthy for longer.